Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Network for Drug Discovery in Oncology

Therapeutic optimization in oncology (Team 2)

Equipe de recherche
Michel Tod
0472 072 663  
Benoit You


Oncology, Biomarkers, Pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics, Phase 1 trials (design, conduction, data analysis), metabolic studies, quantitative prediction of drug-drug interactions, mathematical models


Our aim is to Optimize the benefit/toxicity ratio of cancer therapy.

We have 5 research strategies to reach this objective :

1. Innovative bioanalytics for measurement of anticancer drugs and endogenous products concentration to support  pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) modeling studies.

2. Development of semi-mechanistic PK-PD models allowing in silico prediction of the best administration protocols in terms of efficacy or toxicity.

3. Development of kinetic models of serum tumor biomarkers to define early markers of treatment efficacy or to predict PFS or OS.

4. Innovative phase I trial design to provide data required for optimizing drug dosing schedules by modelling and simulation.

5. Innovative pharmaceutical care :

Prevention of iatrogenic risks with anti-cancer drugs

Adherence to oral treatments and relationships to treatment efficacy and toxicity

Our team is composed of 3 clinical oncologists, 4 modellers, 2 biologists, 2 clinical pharmacists , 2 staff members and a variable number of PhD students and master students.

The team works in tight connection with the Investigational Center Of Treatments In Oncology And Hematology, a  platform for phase 1 clinical trials which is labelled by the National Institute of Cancer (Inca).  This unique platform brings together on the same site the  Clinical,  Analytical, Pharmacological, and  Biomathematical facilities.

Our team benefits from its membership to the Lyon Cancer Institute, which receives more than 13000 patients per year, and from its collaboration network .


  • Analytical facilities:
    The laboratory has the necessary equipment to assay most of the antineoplastic agents : liquid or gas chromatography instruments, including 7 HPLC systems, 3 GC systems ( 1 equipped with mass spectrometry), 2 LC-MS/MS, 1 ICP-MS and 1 LC-ICP-MS.
  • Clinical facilities:
    The platform has access to full-time, as well as day-hospital beds, medical/surgical instrumentation, the ICU of Hôpital Lyon-Sud and the central cytotoxic reconstitution unit. The department is composed of a 10 bed hospitalization ward; a 10 bed chemodaycare unit and a out-patient consultation unit. About 50 patients a year with different types of cancers are eligible to early phase clinical trials.
  • Biomathematical facilities:
    The laboratory is fully equipped with a network of high powered computers allowing storage, intensive computing, confidentiality and data protection.
    The established calculation tools are statistical (R®, Splus®, SAS®), mathematical (Matlab®) and specific to modelling individual pharmacokinetics and population PK-PD, NONMEM® / Monolix®(population kinetics, a mixed effect method allowing covariable analysis and the establishment of PK-PD relationships), ADAPT (individual linear kinetics, optimal sampling times), Simulo (therapeutic trial design),PKSim (PBPK model)….


EMR3738 Therapeutic targeting in oncology (CTO)
Faculté de médecine Lyon-sud
69921 Oullins